Lattice Blog

Lattice Digital Research Rung Q&A

We are really excited to announce that pre-orders for the new Lattice Digital Research Rung have begun! The price for the unit will be £800 (+ VAT or local sales tax), and the number of digital rungs available will initially be limited to 20 units for dispatch by the end of August 2019.

In this blogpost, we’ve answered some of the many questions that we have been receiving about the Digital Research Rung. So read on to find out more about this innovative research tool.

What does the Digital Rung do?

The Digital Research Rung consists of a standard Lattice Rung, with a high quality, sensitive load cell that records the vertical force applied to the hold. This allows us to calculate a large number of variables that are known to be important when describing climbing performance, including; maximum finger strength, rate of force development, time to failure at set intensities and critical force, amongst many others.

How does it work?

The Digital Research Rung has an S-shaped load cell, that is fixed between a static backboard and the front piece to which the Lattice Rung is attached. The force that is applied can be measured in one of two ways: (1) an amplified digital serial data signal at 80 samples per second, via USB that may be plotted and recorded using any programme capable of capturing serial ASCII data (suggestions for software will be included e.g. serial plotting software or MatLab); or (2) direct output of the load cell, or amplified signal, ready for analogue to digital conversion for use with systems such as PowerLab, to allow integration with other signals. 

Lattice Training Digital Research Rung

What variables are recorded?

Interval length (milliseconds); Target value (kg or N); Unadjusted output; Calibration factor (slope); Tare (intercept); Calibrated value (kg or N).

Do you have an app?

At this point, we do not. All data is recorded using a computer connected via USB.

Who is this Digital Rung designed for?

The Lattice Digital Rung has been designed to meet the needs of sports scientists and coaches who require a valid and reliable means of determining the force output of the forearms/finger flexors. To give a few examples of who the digital rung is aimed at:

  • A researcher investigating the efficacy of an intervention on strength or endurance performance of the finger flexors;
  • A physiotherapist who wishes to assess and monitor injuries to the fingers or forearms;
  • A team coach or physiologist who has knowledge and understanding of the exact tests they wish to perform, and how to interpret the data.
Lattice Training Digital Research Rung

I am a climber, is this product for me?

It is important to note that this is not a consumer product. The Digital Rung’s use – including the collection, processing and interpretation of the data – requires detailed knowledge of testing methodologies and data analysis.

What training is included?

Remote introductory training on the setup, collection and interpretation of key data is included. Please note that this does not replace the need for existing knowledge. Detailed training on the collection and interpretation of tests is not included in the purchase price. However, we are able to offer bespoke ongoing support packages, please contact us at to discuss these options.

What is included in the box?

  • Lattice Digital Research & Development Rung – Single Arm
  • USB cable
  • Cable for connection to proprietary systems
  • Setup guide
  • Examples of key tests and tools for data processing (maximal force, continuous and intermittent tests)
  • 1.5 hr Skype with the Lattice team to help with setup, talk through the calibration process and demonstrate function (one time – details of the ongoing support available on request).
Lattice Training Digital Research Rung

Will you be offering Digital Lattice Assessments?

For climbing walls and coaches wishing to know more about Digital Lattice Assessments, we are in the process of developing and validating an assessment package. The assessment package will complement (or may be used instead of) a Lattice Board Assessment. The Digital Lattice Assessment will use the same Digital Rung, will include detailed testing protocols and, as with the LBA, a report providing comparisons against our data set. Further details will be made available in the autumn, with an anticipated launch of the assessments in December 2019.

You can pre-order the Lattice Digital Research Rung in our store here. If you have any other specific questions please email

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