Lattice Blog

Blog | Interviews

Interview: Remus Knowles, the Lattice Training Data Analyst

Who is Remus?! Remus joined the team in 2015 as a result of what was a pivotal motorway service station meeting. We sat down amongst…

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Interview: Lucy Mitchell on Fish Eye, 8c

Lucy Mitchell is a climber from Northern Ireland (Belfast) and unbeknownst to much of the UK climbing community, is racking up one of the most impressive sport…

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Interview: Will Smith, Era Vella and training for 9a

9a by the age of 22 for UK climbers is fast becoming the gold standard to aspire to. No longer the realms of “professional full-timers…

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Interview: Andy Burgress and Mecca – The Mid-Life Crisis

Andy Burgess started training with Lattice earlier this year as a boulderer. Andy recently climbed Mecca 8b+ just under 1 year after he sent his…

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Interview: Will Bosi

Will Bosi recently became the youngest Britain to climb 9a, which is really impressive, but in reality it’s just one facet of his climbing. He’s…

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