Lattice Blog

Blog | Data | Endurance | Finger Strength | Research | Strength & Power

Lattice Digital Research Rung Q&A

We answer your questions about the new Lattice Digital Research Rung; covering everything from who the rung is designed for, what’s included in the box, and future plans for the product.

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Blog | Data | Menstruation, Pregnancy & Menopause | Research

Women’s Training Symposium 2019

[Tom: Welcome to a special guest blog! We work with two climbers over in Germany, Mischa Hawker-Yates and Cora Schubert, who happen to go out…

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Blog | Data | Research

Research Discussion: Movement Economy

Lattice and The Beta Angel Project are at it again!  This time, we decided to chat with Taylor about the research of climbing efficiency.  This…

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Blog | Data | Finger Strength | Research

Research Discussion: Eva Lopez-Rivera Finger Strength

After the great feedback we received from our recent community discussion on the Rate of Force Development (i.e. contact strength) with Taylor Reed from The…

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Data | Finger Strength | Research

Research and Training Collaboration: Beta Angel Project

Recently we’ve been in touch with Taylor at the Beta Angel Project about a cross-collaboration. We’d noticed that he’s equally as psyched about climbing research as…

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Blog | Data | Research

The best sport climbers in the UK

Over the last few years the list-loving geeks over at have maintained a list of the top 100 or so British male sport climbers…

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Blog | Data | Moon | Moon Board | Research | Strength & Power

Every Moonboard Problem Ever, Analysed

On today’s menu we have a special treat for you…we’re going to analyse every moon board problem ever created! I don’t really know what we’ll…

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Blog | Data | Moon | Moon Board | Research | Strength & Power

Ben Moon’s Moonboard Logbook

If you know half of anything about the history of climbing you will have heard of Ben Moon; from world class first ascents such as Maginot…

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Blog | Data | Finger Strength | Research | Strength & Power

Do strength imbalances make a difference in climbing? Part 1

We were thinking about left-right hand strength imbalances recently and instead of asking all the questions ourselves we thought it would be fun to put it…

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BMI and Climbing Part 3, ALL Climbers

We’ve already written a few posts looking at BMI and climbing across a few different data sets, and now comes the final chapter! We’ve combined every…

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