Looking to combine a Bouldering Training Plan with a Flexibility Training Plan? Contact us today.

Bouldering Training Plan

Starting from £140.00

  • 100% Customised Training Plan
  • Focused on strength and power for bouldering
  • Includes mini assessment
  • Easy-to-follow sessions via the Lattice Training app

You must use and start this plan within 6 months of purchase. The current wait time for this plan is 2 – 3 weeks.

Is this a gift?

Personalised training plans for boulderers delivered on our easy-to-use app.

How we deliver

Step 1:


You will receive an assessment to test your physical performance and uncover your strengths and weaknesses.

Step 2:


Your coach will analyse your assessment results and reveal how you compare to other climbers at your grade. Not only have we trained thousands of athletes, we have the largest dataset of metrics on climbers in the world!

Step 3:


With this information, your coach will create a 100% custom plan, based on your unique strengths, weaknesses and goals! Every plan is written from scratch, and accounts for your available time, facilities, preferred sessions, and experience.

Step 4:


Our plans are designed to fit in around your life. With the easy-to-use scheduler in our app, you’ll be able to mix-and-match training sessions to accommodate your commitments each week.

Step 5:


You can follow, track and log your plan progress on our handy Lattice Training app; it even has a built-in timer!

Buy Now

open quotation I have seen significant improvements in all areas by the end of my first plan and immediately signed up for a second! closed quotation


Bouldering Training Plan
The Bouldering Training Plan requires one upfront payment.
  • 6 week plan£140
  • 12 week plan£230
You must complete your initial assessment within 6 months after purchase. The assessment will be emailed to you after purchase.
  • You must be over 18 years of age
  • You must have climbed V4/6B boulder or 6b+/5.10+ sport in the last 12 months
  • You must be able to hang your bodyweight on a 20mm rung for 10 seconds or more
  • You must not be injured
  • You must accept that the testing and completion of the training plan does carry a risk of injury
  • You must not be pregnant

Required (assessment only)

To complete your assessment, you will need the following equipment:
  • 20mm flat edge (e.g. Lattice Training Rung or Beastmaker 1000)
  • Pull-up bar
  • Weighing scales
  • A means for adding weight: a weight belt or climbing harness, sling or Lifting Pin, a carabiner, and weights*.
  • A pulley system for removing weight: a climbing harness, a pulley device (e.g. Petzl Partner), a sling or Lifting Pin, 3 carabiners, 2m length of rope, and weights*.
  • A Flex Mat or measuring tape (and potentially an extra set of hands to use it)


For your training, we recommend the following equipment**:
  • Regular access to climbing facilities***
  • 20mm flat edge (e.g. Lattice Training Rung or Beastmaker 1000)
  • Pull-up bar
  • A means for adding weight: a weight belt or climbing harness, sling or Lifting Pin, a carabiner, and weights*.
  • Some free weights

Alternatively, you could try our Home Training Plan or Fingerboard Training Plan.
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.

  • *Typically, 10-60kg in 2.5kg increments, but this may be more or less.
  • **While the above equipment is recommended, if you don’t have access to everything on the list, this shouldn’t be a problem. All our plans are 100% customised to you, including the facilities and equipment you have access to.
  • ***This may be a climbing gym, home training board, or outdoor climbing.


open quotation Not only have I become stronger and more flexible, but I enjoy climbing a lot more now. The flexibility of the plan makes the program easily adjustable to everyday time constraints and means that it is very easy to follow. closed quotation


open quotation Like many others, I am obsessed with climbing, but I have a desk job; I don't have time to read the literature or collect climbing performance metrics. The Lattice coaches really know their stuff, and are super strong climbers themselves. All 3 times I've had a plan, I've seen an improvement in my grade and, more importantly, enjoyment in climbing as I feel light as a bird and injury-free. Keep up the great work Lattice! closed quotation


open quotation The results are amazing. I feel strong and confident in my climbing. I will get another plan for sure! closed quotation


open quotation A Lattice Training Plan removes a lot of mental stress trying to continuously adapt your training. You know exactly what to do that week. No more, no less. In the past I've always felt like “I should be doing more" or "I should be doing something else", but with this plan, I could put that part of my mind to rest. closed quotation


open quotation My Bouldering Training Plan was easy to follow, and as a result, I am now climbing consistently harder than before. Totally worth it! closed quotation
